So what’s this “The M…. C…..M…. C…..Road trip”
Well it’s really “The Margaret Curry Mini Cooper Road Trip”
It started out as a normal vacation in Arizona. One like we have done many times before. Fly in fly out, two weeks, a little work, lay by the pool, a few hikes, close up the place for the summer… all good.
It was a Tuesday midway through our vacation and we were going to go shopping and look around Scottsdale. Off we went down the 101 to Scottsdale Drive North to go south into Scottsdale.
Oh look a Mini Cooper dealer! (I should tell you we had been looking at Mini Cooper convertibles in Minneapolis,but didn’t find any nice ones. One of Margaret’s dreams is to do a road trip in a Convertible Mini Cooper)
Lets stop and look we have time were on vacation! We walked around the lot and didn’t really see anything interesting and were about to go when a salesman in a golf cart pulled up and said hop on there is a bunch more Minis way out back . I can take you.
He was right way out in the back there must have been a hundred brand new Mini Coopers. We walk down a few rows and look what we found! The most gorgeous black convertible Cooper S you could imagine!
Brown luxury leather interior, Super charged! (that’s what the “S” is for) Sports package.
We talked with the sales guy he made an offer. We told him we could do better in Minneapolis, and asked him if he knew a place for lunch. He recommended a place near by. We left him our phone number and went off to lunch.
Lunch in the garden at "Gordon Birch” in Scottsdale. Great beer, good pizza!
Just as we had gotten into the rental car to move on down the road my phone rang. Our little sales guy had talked to his manager and managed to find another 1000 off the sales price. Imagine that! What do you think Margaret it’s part of your dream?
Short story: That’s me signing papers. All that’s left of Margaret is her hat. She is busy pacing the floor in a cold sweat wondering what she just did!
All shined up and ready to go.
But where to go? This is Arizona? Phone calls,canceled airline tickets, travel vouchers for future trips, refunds for rentals cars, hotel reservations…………… ROAD TRIP!
Back at the Arizona homestead for a few days of cruising with the top down in the Arizona sunshine before taking off. It sure looks good in that car port doesn’t it?
Boy Oh Boy the neighbors are sure talking now! (We told them we sold the park model to pay for it!)
We were going to leave Monday the 11th on an airplane but now we will have to leave a little early for the Margaret Curry Mini Cooper Road trip!
1 comment:
Nice looking car!
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