Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sprung a leak

Late last week one of the water pipes that feed the Condo complex that we live in sprung a minor leak. We noticed a sign on the bulletin board Saturday morning that the management had been notified and it would be fixed as soon as possible.
Well I have been keeping an eye on it off and on. (I have a bit of experience as a plumber). I also have a pretty good idea what will happen when a 4" wide pressure pipe with running water blows. (not going to be pretty) The drains will not keep up and the garage will be flooded and since its cold out all that water will freeze then start to pool in the garage.Well short story as the leak worsened at about 3:00PM Sunday afternoon and no one has fixed it. I moved the Jeep out of the garage. I'm about to go take my shower now for tomorrow Just in case we have no water.

From Scott

From Scott

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