A few days ago I ordered a set of stainless steal tube rails (Running boards) for the Jeep from a company in Florida. They arrived Friday the 9th. I had them shipped directly to the loading dock at work. So today that's what I'm doing most of the morning I'm putting the new rails on the Jeep.
Of course nothing ever goes easy, and after checking the boxes of parts out I didn't have the tools necessary to put them on correctly, so I had to run to Sears and get some tools. This wasn't really a big problem because the tools I purchased were on my list to acquire before summer anyway so I sort of killed two birds with one stone (Right Margaret?)
$150 worth of tools sure fits in a small box
So with the tools acquired its time to put on the new rails
As you can probably guess I had a couple of visits from Margaret with her camera while I was working
It only took a couple of hours to get the brackets mounted and put the rails on. I also applied a coat of wax to the rails before I mounted them to help protect them from the lovely tropical Minnesota winters.
Looks pretty sporty now the rails make it look much lower to the ground.