The middle of April can go either way at the lake. Often the ice is gone but farther up north there can still be ice until later in April or sometimes even May like last year. This spring has been fairly warm and this weekend looks like its suppose to be 70 degrees up north at the Lake so we are taking Friday off and heading to the lake ice or not. Most of the way up to our lake place the water was ice free, but as we headed north on the last stretch of road the small ponds still had some ice.
When we arrived at the lake is was nearly 70 degrees the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. After opening up and checking everything out a trip down to the lake revealed that we are close to ice out, but not quite. The ice is dark grey and mushy, but its still there. It should be gone by next week.
All along our shoreline was open, and a few strange looking ducks had taken up residence in the narrow stretch of water. I have never seen any ducks that look quite like these, all white with a dark head and back.
Apparently I’m not the stealthy wildlife photographer that I think I am because as I was trying to sneak down to the lakeshore behind a big pine tree to get a better photo they took off winging their way over the grey ice.
Later research indicates that they were Common Mergansers a diving duck that hangs out all over the North America
With the sun shining on the lake shore and 70 degree weather it was a great place for a class of wine for happy hour.
We sat on the shore until the sun disappeared behind the trees watching some little crayfish scuttling about in the water looking for a meal
Dinner was grilled salmon and sashimi tuna along with a baked potato.
As always the first couple of days at the lake in spring are consumed with cleaning and repairing the effects of the long winter. Raking leaves and hauling them into the woods for disposal make the grass grow better in the summer.
It wouldn’t be the lake if Margaret didn’t want some rocks moved around.
I also started the big diesel engine in the coach for the first time since last November. I was expecting trouble, but the engine cranked right over and started immediately! I also fired up the diesel generator and let it run for a while to exercise it.
Then out into the woods I went with the big chain saw to drop a dead jack pine tree that could eventually fall on the neighbors house.
Here you see some work by the world famous videographer Margaret.
I had just a bit of a problem with it wanting to fall the wrong way so I had to use a wedge on the back cut, but it ultimately went down in the right direction. Then it had to be cut up.
There is still a couple of smaller dead ones in the same area, but they can wait till another time. They will require ropes and a hand wench to get them to fall in the right area and not hit an electrical wire or a house.
One more Jack Pine down. One lawn wheel to fix. Is there no rest for me?
Here comes the rest. Lovely Margaret the world famous videographer has been looking out for me and provided refreshments and chair in what was left of the sunshine for Saturday afternoon. I guess moving rocks pays after all.
All in all it was a good weekend. We got some work done and that puts us that much closer to a relaxing summer at the lake this year. ….Ya Right that will never happen!
Long Awaited Update - More Life Changes
4 years ago